Holmes show combines student music, art

Higher Vibe, a student band, performed Friday night at the Holmes Student Center’s Duke Ellington Ballroom. Musicians performed before the audience turned its attention to an exhibit that showcased student art.

By Carl Nadig

Students got a taste of two art forms Friday as jazz musicians and local artists showcased their work at the Holmes Student Center’s Duke Ellington Ballroom.

Co-hosted by Matthew Attfield and Gretchen Schultz, the show featured performances by a student band and guest performances.

The first act featured solo artist Gabriel Garzón-Montano from Brooklyn, N.Y. Garzón-Montano performed tracks from his newest EP, “Bishouné: Alma del Huila,” which combines funky piano with drums and bass hip-hop.

After a quick intermission, the jazz group Higher Vibe played a mixture of blues, R&B and soul.

At the show, headphones were provided for listeners to experience the show in pure stereo sound.

“I’m just happy everything worked out and everyone was able to make it here safe … and everyone had a good time,” said Attfield, Higher Vibe trombone player.

After the musical performances, attention shifted from the ballroom to the Hunt Room. The art exhibition showcased work from student artists, including Georgia Alderson, Kelsey Oppegard and Damian Falkowski.

“What I like to do is combine the music and art scene as much as I can,” said Schultz, junior visual communication major. “For me personally, I [enjoy] having people seeing and experiencing something they’ve never seen before. And just bringing a new aspect in their life and taking whatever they want.”