Rehab class offers therapy exercises

By Northern Star Staff

Residents can increase their strength and stability through a new class offered at Northern Rehab Physical Therapy Specialists.

Northern Rehab’s Advanced Core and Stability class aims to jumpstart participants’ health and wellness goals through body weight exercises, strength training and core stabilization exercises.

The first class session begins on Monday at the DeKalb office, 3266 Resource Parkway. The cost is $70 for 10 classes.

Advanced Core and Stability classes run for a five-week session from 5 to 6 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. There will be opportunities to renew enrollment at each session.

The class is for people looking to change their body composition and increase their strength and cardiovascular endurance.

No experience in strength training is needed to enroll. Class size will be small.

Call 815-756-8524 to register. For more information, visit