Club sports stuggle over weekend

By James Cantagallo

The hockey teams didn’t fare well at Robert Morris while the ultimate Frisbee club hosted a tournament of its own.

Men’s hockey

The Div. II hockey team had a rough weekend at the Robert Morris University Showcase, going 1-2.

The Huskies (9-8-1) started the weekend off badly Friday with a 10-0 loss to DePaul University. The team then lost to Illinois State University 7-2 Saturday night. NIU recovered Sunday for a 7-3 victory versus RMU-Maroon.

“It is a little disappointing,” said team captain Nick Remley. “Coming off a win, we are happy we got one, but definitely disappointed with Friday and Saturday. Saturday was much closer than the score showed.”

Head coach Chuck Rinaldo said the team panicked after falling into a 3-0 deficit Friday and had to battle tough penalty calls versus ISU. Even though it wasn’t the weekend he had been hoping for, Rinaldo was happy with how the team played Sunday.

“We bounced back from two tough games,” Rinaldo said. “We had a short memory and kept working hard. We didn’t let the two bad losses get to us. We recovered and moved forward.”

Remley believes the team found a key to success over the weekend.

“We seem to be playing our best [when] we are positive on the bench,” Remley said. “No one is really bickering back and forth on the bench; we are working as a unit. That is something we kind of learned: When we are positive, that is when we play our best. If we can transfer that over for the rest of the season that would be good.”

The Div. III hockey team was winless in the RMU Showcase over the weekend.

The Huskies lost 7-4, 4-1 and 3-1 versus RMU-Black, RMU-Springfield and Indiana University, respectively.

NIU (1-13-1) had feared its short bench would be a problem over the weekend, and it was.

“It was amazing to watch,” said team captain JC Weems. “The first period we were all over teams. The second we were on top of them still, but laying back a little. And the third period was when the teams generally took advantage because we would be too tired and trying to make plays without hustling.”

While the limited bench has been causing problems for the Huskies, their play has gotten better since the coaching change in mid-October.

“We are playing with systems now,” Weems said. “Beforehand, it was kind of, ‘Throw them out there and play hockey.’ Now we have more order and organization. I feel like the guys really answer to [head coach Nick Madonia] a lot better than … they did with the previous coach, and it shows.”

Ultimate Frisbee

The ultimate Frisbee club took fourth and seventh in its home tournament over the weekend.

Dump Truck, a pickup team made up of players from different schools, won the eight-team tournament.

While the Huskies did not win the tournament, they were looking to build chemistry over the weekend.

“It went very well and we had fun,” said club President Andrew Clos. “We got to play against our alumni, and it went really well. We realize what it takes to be a team a little more.”

With the end of the semester approaching, the ultimate Frisbee team is done competing for the semester and will return to action in February.