Editorial: Tornado relief efforts show communities care

By Northern Star Editorial Board

The DeKalb-Sycamore community has stepped up in the wake of Illinois’ recent storms and tornadoes.

On Nov. 17, one of several tornadoes in the Midwest destroyed much of Washington, which is about two hours from DeKalb. The tornado ravaged buildings and homes and killed at least eight people. According to a Nov. 20 Chicago Tribune article, the Midwest suffered an estimated $1 billion in damage.

The Northern Star Editorial Board is impressed by the number of community members and businesses that have helped out.

Student organizations like Alpha Phi Omega, a service fraternity, collected items and used their own money to purchase care packages.

Private businesses like Tri-State Towing collected clothing and toiletries. The Sycamore and DeKalb police departments combined efforts to help the victims through a collection drive.

The DeKalb Police Department will deliver items to Washington Tuesday. Community members have left comments on the department’s Facebook page offering to help. Community members have also signed some of the boxes holding donations for those in Washington, leaving messages of support and hope.

The Editorial Board thinks these actions show just a small measure of how the DeKalb-Sycamore area is a giving community, especially in a time of need. To see students, residents and businesses work together to help others is truly outstanding.