Distinct Rareware games take spotlight

Distinct Rareware games take spotlight

By Josh Alfrey

Variety is the element of gaming that players get with classic Rareware games.

The unique platformers “Donkey Kong 64” and “Conker’s Bad Fur Day” brought dynamic components to their genre. Through different gameplay and story elements, each left its mark on gaming history.

Rareware game developers throughout the ’90s were masters of their craft. With the creation of the Donkey Kong Country series, “Perfect Dark” and “Killer Instinct,” the game creators could do no wrong.

“Donkey Kong 64”

This 1999 throwback brought lovable buffoon Donkey Kong to the world of 3-D in grand style.

With the success of the Donkey Kong Country series, many were desperate to hear from the great ape in the Nintendo 64 era. “Donkey Kong 64” became a must-buy game with the gaming system.

“Donkey Kong 64” introduced the Kong family to gamers, allowing them to play as multiple characters. Donkey and Diddy Kong were no longer the only primates in the spotlight. Chunky, Lanky and Tiny Kong are playable characters who offer their own creative abilities.

New characters brought an entirely different element of play to this game. Each character became necessary to complete the levels. Their combined special abilities were the only way to beat the game. Everything was a team effort and gamers were never alone when enoying a day with the Kong family.

“Conker’s Bad Fur Day”

“Conker’s Bad Fur Day” was a game that was not safe for children with its adult elements. The amount of booze, toilet and sexual humor is hilarious.

One bizarre red animal named Conker the Squirrel takes the stage as a Banjo-type character, but for a mature audience. My favorite boss battle came when Conker faced off against the opera-singing the Great Mighty Poo. Yes, there is a boss in this game called the Great Mighty Poo.

With the wild characters and storylines comes a collect-a-thon in the same spirit as “Banjo-Kazooie” and “Super Mario 64.” Rareware’s ability to combine an insane storyline with familiar and fun gameplay is what makes “Conker’s Bad Fur Day” a cult classic.

It may not be on every gamer’s top 10 list, but those who have played it often love it.