‘Polarity’ comic impresses Say Anything fans

By Aymie Telinski

We live in a world where we’re told we can do or be anything–by day we can be the lead singer for Say Anything, but by night, who knows?–maybe we can write some comic books about being bipolar.

The first of four issues of the comic book Polarity by Say Anything’s lead singer was released Thursday.

In January, Say Anything front man Max Bemis, announced he was in the process of creating a comic with BOOM! Studios. I was intrigued when I heard the news–anything that my favorite lead singer does, I am willing to give a chance.

The comic is set in sections of Brooklyn that hipsters have taken over. Main character Timothy Woods is an artist who discovers he is bipolar after being hit by a car. He’s hit by the car in the middle of a public meltdown. Woods discovers his medicine is changing him somehow.

Before I started to read the comic, I flipped through the pages and was in love with the art. Jorge Coelho did an amazing job on each page. On the first few pages, the main character gets into a car accident. Coelho went into great detail, making the scene a gory mess.

I enjoyed the artistic choice for characters. Each one was cartoon-y, yet they had very real human characteristics. There is a scene that takes place in the middle of an art gallery, and you can see a ridiculous amount of detail that is put into everyone’s clothing and facial expressions.

The dialogue of the comic is as if Bemis has written a song and is using the comic to illustrate the lyrics. When two characters are interacting with one another, it doesn’t feel like real dialogue between people–it feels more like song lyrics that they are singing.

Woods is kind of an unlikeable character, and he’s pretty judgmental. He hates hipsters, which is mentioned over and over again throughout the comic. It’s funny; I can actually see a person just like Woods sitting in a coffee shop and judging everyone.

With each comic, Bemis includes a download of a new original song he has written and performed.

I am excited to see what Bemis has in store for Woods’s next adventure.

Polarity No. 2 comes out in May.