Trendy tips on summer wear

By Kayla Cameron

As the weather slowly heats up, the priority on everyone’s mind switches to “How can I stay cool?”

One way we achieve this is to shed the layers of winter clothing that keep us toasty warm; however, as great as it may feel to be a little bit cooler, we now show a lot more skin. This can cause people to feel less confident and more self-conscious, which in turn can hinder your summer experience. No matter what size or shape you are conquering, these helpful hints can make you ready to rock summer clothes.

Don’t Go All Out

I think the key to feeling more confident when summer comes around is to choose one clothing item at a time that shows a little more skin.

This gives your mind and body a chance to get used to the new changes without overwhelming your system. It may be that you choose to wear a pair of capris, but whatever you do, don’t jump into a crop top and shorts unless you are feeling good and don’t have a problem with the switch.

Choose Flattering Clothes.

I know baring skin is the thing to do in warmer weather, but make sure the clothes you choose flatter your figure. It’s a bad decision if you blindly follow trends and don’t take the time to actually see if you like them or if they will look good on you.

Don’t Get Form-Fitting Clothes.

Some people dislike summer clothing because showing physical flaws is unavoidable.

One solution is purchasing shirts or dresses that are made of a blousy material. The material is nice and airy so you stay cool while allowing yourself to feel comfortable.

These tricks are just a few of the things you can do to help prepare for the warmer weather ahead. My final suggestion is to consider a summer hairstyle or even go to the salon for a manicure.