Trendy colored clothes to match your mood

By Kayla Cameron

When choosing what we want to wear a few questions shuffle through our minds: “Does this go well together?,” “What’s the weather like?” and, most important of all, “What’s my mood today?” or “How am I feeling?”

Now, you may not ask yourself questions exactly like the ones I listed, but when picking an outfit for the day it all boils down to how you are feeling. Are you comfortable? Angry? Happy? Blah?

Well, it turns out that when we pick out our outfits for the day we can chose them based on colors according to our emotions.

Different shades and hues are the spice and pop to any outfit. They contrast and compliment each other, bringing together a symphony of colors. The outfit you picked out today or the paint on your bedroom wall all have colors that, believe it or not, affect us more than we know.

According to, “As a society, we associate colors with so many different things–they have meanings beyond simple visual stimulation. Some studies even suggest that we feel colors more than we see them.”

This concept applies to interior designers and how they use and manipulate color to enhance or inspire people’s moods. For example, in kitchens designers prefer to use the color yellow because it is associated with the sun and communicates happiness and joy. The same can be done with clothing. You can nonverbally communicate your mood for that particular day. Here’s a list of some colors you can work into your next outfit to fit your style and mood.


Associated with passion and lust, this color draws immediate attention to the wearer and makes a strong impression. Red is a perfect color for date nights and being noticed. Red is also known to raise blood pressure and respiration and, oddly enough, make us crave junk food, so use caution when wearing this bold color.


Associated with the outdoors and nature, this color is soothing and perfect for relaxation, as long as it’s not neon green. Green is also a refreshing color used in a lot of clothing for spring. Add some green to your outfit if you’re looking to relax during a stressful week or want to start fresh.


Associated with the ocean and the sky, this color, like green, has a calming effect, but be careful because wearing blue when you are sad can actually subconsciously make you unhappier. There is a bright side, though: Studies have shown that blue can also spark your eagerness to create. So if you’ve been wanting to start that new arts and craft project, don’t forget to slip on some blue before you do.


Associated with luxury and royalty, this color is very stimulating. With colors like yellow and orange, it can boost your energy level. Purple is also associated with spirituality and intuition, which is perfect if you’ve had trouble making decisions. Just slip on a purple shirt to see what comes to mind or to get that energy boost coffee couldn’t provide for you.


Associated with seriousness, power and authority, this color is perfect when interviewing for a job. You want a clean, put-together outfit, but not a total black-out, so do add a complementing color. This color is also good if you want to add a rock star edge to your outfit even if it’s just a pair of black combat boots.