The do’s and don’ts of business wear

By Kayla Cameron

Some people may be stressing about where they’re going to get a job out of college or maybe even where they want to start interning. With graduation on hopefully everyone’s agenda, a perfect place to sort all of your worries out and to get the ball rolling would be at the NIU Job Fair.

Surprisingly enough, getting a job or internship isn’t all about how good your resume looks but also how good you look. Dressing professionally and looking presentable is a key criteria that hiring employers look for. If you walk in wearing a pair of tattered Hollister jeans and a T-shirt saying, “This is my hangover shirt,” it will most likely not get you the job, no matter how much you’ve volunteered at the local animal shelter.

But luckily, there are some tips and tricks to help you plan the perfect outfit to impress your potential employer.

For women

Do: Get a suit. OK, not a suit from Men’s Warehouse, but obtain a pair of slacks either in black, gray or navy and a blazer to match in that same color.

Don’t: Wear a skirt shorter than knee-length. Wearing a skirt shorter than your knee suggests you’re not dressing professionally but instead for a night out.

Do: Go bold. The dull colors of your suit may wash you out. With colors or print that pop, it can spice up your outfit and to add a touch of your own style.

Don’t: Wear open-toed shoes. Wearing open-toed shoes, no matter how cute they look, doesn’t look at all professional or polished. Just like with your skirt, don’t make it look like your headed to the club or bar.

For men

Do: Wear pants that are just the right length. Pants should sit right on the shoes and no lower. Your ankles should not be showing. You don’t want to be dragging the bottom of your pants on the ground the whole day, collecting dirt. Ew.

Don’t: Wear a crazy tie. Keep it simple and pick a tie that is a solid color. If you’re feeling a little crazy, add a bit of a pattern, but go easy–nobody wants to be seen in a piano neck tie. This isn’t the ’80s.

Do: Remember to style your hair. Now, I’m not saying to do the Pauly D. blowout, but at least make you hair look presentable. Nobody wants to hire an employee that looks like they’ve just rolled out of bed.

Don’t: Never let you pants sag. I know college men on campus seem to think that having their pants hang lower than their waist is fashionable, but reality check: It’s not, especially when looking for a job. Make sure to keep you pants at waist height. If that’s too difficult, buy a belt.