Top 10 reasons to stay home on a saturday night
October 14, 2012
Top 10 Reasons to Stay Home on a Saturday Night
10. Save your money for a rainy day: At some point, your parents will cut you off. Now’s a good time to save rather than spend. I’m not saying you can’t go out, just maybe not as often.
9. Read for fun (yes, some people do read for pure enjoyment): I know you’ve got all this required reading to do for class but don’t worry, there are plenty of short books worth reading. You don’t have to start with War and Peace. I like Fahrenheit 451, it’s short but an excellent read.
8. Go to the gym instead of filling up on empty calories: It’s been said that most people gain 15 pounds their freshman year of college. There are exercise classes and sports clubs for all ability levels. Check one out.
7. Hang out with an old friend(s): Have a face-to-face meeting with someone you used to know well and get to know them again.
6. Skype/Facebook/Tweet somebody you haven’t seen in a while: Today’s technology makes it possible to keep in touch with everyone. Take a minute to have a real conversation with people who care about you, even if they live thousands of miles away. When you need someone to lean on you’ll be glad you kept the relationship strong.
5. Stay out of the sucky weather: This is Illinois, so there’s never a shortage of inclement weather to keep you home. Why trudge out into the snow, rain or excessive heat when you can watch anything, talk to anyone or order any food you want from the comfort of your living room?
4. Make yourself more interesting to others: People are initially attracted to physical appearance, but if you want to get past the first date, you need to have something interesting to say. I know a 20-year-old guy who is teaching himself Japanese via the internet one word at a time. He is doing something more unique than hanging out at the same old bar and seeing the same old people week after week.
3. Invent something: You think Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg spent all their time at parties in college? OK, maybe they would have if someone had invited them. But look at the world around you. Find something you’ve always wanted to do and go for it. If it doesn’t work out, you’re young enough to start over. Many of you don’t have children, mortgages or spouses to consider. Trust me, it won’t always be this way.
2. Take time to listen to your inner voice: It’s hard to hear yourself think when you’re busy listening to your iPod while you simultaneously text, tweet and Facebook. Turn it all off and allow your mind to wander for a few minutes. I bet there are some really great ideas in there and you’re just too distracted to hear them.
1. Surprise a significant adult in your life with a phone call: Someone helped you make it this far. Thank them with a short, simple call.