Candidate for DeKalb County state’s attorney speaks at Stevenson Wednesday night

Richard Schmack spoke in a Stevenson smart classroom Wednesday evening. Schmack is running for DeKalb County state’s attorney this year, and took the opportunity to explain the roles of the position and why he feels he is the proper candidate.

By Jessi Haish

Richard Schmack, DeKalb County state’s attorney candidate, answered students’ questions at the NIU College Democrats meeting Wednesday night at Stevenson South.

Chris Pitts, senior political science major, said he attended the meeting to find out how Schmack would handle crime at NIU, specifically homicide. Pitts was a friend and fraternity brother of NIU student Steven Agee II. Agee was killed in an off-campus apartment shooting in DeKalb in November 2011.

Schmack said he would try to handle the situation of a death at NIU in the best way possible.

“I would try to explain the system and the process to the victim and the victim’s family and friends,” Schmack said. “That is something that is very important that I don’t think is happening right now. That’s my goal, to do the job right.”

Danielle Bouchard, a member of the NIU College Democrats, said Schmack was very informative. Bouchard said she believes elections should be important to students.

“All elections affect each individual,” Bouchard said. “Everyone has something that is of personal interest of them. You don’t have to be super political to care about something.”

The election for DeKalb County State’s Attorney is Nov. 6.