One Card replaces tickets for game entry

By Brian Thomas

Change has been a big theme on campus this year.

From the New Residence Hall opening, to the flowerpots spread around campus and now to the athletic department changing the ticket system for sporting events.

This year, in order to enter an athletic event, a ticket is no longer required. All that students need to bring to gain access is an NIU One Card.

The One Card will work similarly to that of swiping a credit card to make a purchase. Attendees need only swipe their cards, proving they are a current student, and they are admitted.

Director of Athletics Jeff Compher has wanted to put this system into place for a long time now and is excited to have it ready for this year.

“I think you want to make it as easy as possible for students to come and enjoy an athletic event,” Compher said. “And for us, the easiest thing to do is use something that you always have with you, which is your One Card. If you decide at the spur of the moment you want to come over to a game, you don’t have to say, ‘Oh, I never got a ticket.’ Now I know I can get in because I have my One Card and I know that’s all I need.”

Some students are also looking forward to this new system as they believe it will make game admittance quicker and easier.

“It just seems really convenient,” said freshman accounting major Nick Roy. “It’s a lot easier on students, as well as workers.”

Freshman accounting major Jonathan Davila agrees that this system makes getting into games easier and saves time.

“I think it’s just easier to scan your card,” Davila said. “You don’t have to pick up a ticket beforehand and you can just show up at the gate.”

By eliminating having to have a ticket to get into a game, Compher is also hoping that attendance at sporting events will increase.

“If you remove that obstacle, then you make it easier for them to be there, so I’m hoping that it does, and I’m hoping that we put a great product out on the field and people are going to want to come,” Compher said.