Four years of NIU in review

By Aaron Brooks

My decision to attend NIU was influenced by three factors: location, cost and reputation. After four years at NIU I have found other aspects more important. Reflecting on what has been important to me as a student, four factors come to mind: atmosphere, student facilities, faculty and students.


Before college I visited – well, partied at – the University of Illinois, Western Illinois University and the University of Iowa. All of those locations had similar flavor with minor variations among them, so I figured DeKalb would be the same.

Contrary to what I expected, DeKalb turned out to be a stale cracker. Sure, there are enjoyable outdoor activities around DeKalb, but at best you have four months to partake in those. In every college town, the townies are frustrated by the shenanigans that college students bring, but they understand and appreciate what the university adds to their town.

DeKalb just seems different. With oppressive ordinances driving away nightlife and hyper-vigilant police busting comparatively mild parties, the atmosphere in DeKalb at least keeps you focused on your studies.

Student Facilities

Granted NIU has been focused on improving housing, but I have never stayed in a dorm. My perspective is further jaded by the fact that 80 percent of my time has been spent in windowless DuSable or trying to peer over heads to see half a PowerPoint in the Psychology Building. But my daughter summed it up best when I took her to use the restroom in DuSable, “No! No! No! Daddy! Yuck!”

There are some very nice buildings on campus, but unfortunately the common areas convey the sense of a correctional institution rather than a prestigious institution of education. My suggestion for next on the fix-it list is to begin the renovation of the Holmes Student Center. If that is a no go, then please just fix the HVAC in Stevens Annex.


If you take four classes in a semester, you can expect to have one awful professor, two average professors, and one outstanding, enthusiastic, brilliant and dedicated professor. To the latter, I could write a tome in their honor and it would still not fully express my appreciation of them.

I owe everything to those professors. They made me want to get up in the morning, they were relief in an otherwise tedious day, and they pushed me harder and made me smarter than I ever knew I could be. You have my everlasting gratitude.


My fellow students were the best part of NIU. One word that best describes students at NIU is driven. Almost all of the students I have met have a goal that is ten years past graduation. Finding a job, or multiple jobs, to put themselves through college. Most stay up late at night with their nose in a book not only to get good grades, but to prepare themselves for that future goal.

Furthermore, I can count the number of jerks I met at NIU on one hand, which I cannot even do when thinking of my extended family. I am honored to have studied with many of you and truly privileged to call some of you friends.

Thank you for four years I will always cherish and never forget.


My decision to attend NIU was influenced by three factors: location, cost and reputation. After four years at NIU I have found other aspects more important. Reflecting on what has been important to me as a student, four factors come to mind: atmosphere, student facilities, faculty and students.


Before college I visited – well, partied at – the University of Illinois, Western Illinois University and the University of Iowa. All of those locations had similar flavor with minor variations among them, so I figured DeKalb would be the same.

Contrary to what I expected, DeKalb turned out to be a stale cracker. Sure, there are enjoyable outdoor activities around DeKalb, but at best you have four months to partake in those. In every college town, the townies are frustrated by the shenanigans that college students bring, but they understand and appreciate what the university adds to their town.

DeKalb just seems different. With oppressive ordinances driving away nightlife and hyper-vigilant police busting comparatively mild parties, the atmosphere in DeKalb at least keeps you focused on your studies.

Student Facilities

Granted NIU has been focused on improving housing, but I have never stayed in a dorm. My perspective is further jaded by the fact that 80 percent of my time has been spent in windowless DuSable or trying to peer over heads to see half a PowerPoint in the Psychology Building. But my daughter summed it up best when I took her to use the restroom in DuSable, “No! No! No! Daddy! Yuck!”

There are some very nice buildings on campus, but unfortunately the common areas convey the sense of a correctional institution rather than a prestigious institution of education. My suggestion for next on the fix-it list is to begin the renovation of the Holmes Student Center. If that is a no go, then please just fix the HVAC in Stevens Annex.


If you take four classes in a semester, you can expect to have one awful professor, two average professors, and one outstanding, enthusiastic, brilliant and dedicated professor. To the latter, I could write a tome in their honor and it would still not fully express my appreciation of them.

I owe everything to those professors. They made me want to get up in the morning, they were relief in an otherwise tedious day, and they pushed me harder and made me smarter than I ever knew I could be. You have my everlasting gratitude.


My fellow students were the best part of NIU. One word that best describes students at NIU is driven. Almost all of the students I have met have a goal that is ten years past graduation. Finding a job, or multiple jobs, to put themselves through college. Most stay up late at night with their nose in a book not only to get good grades, but to prepare themselves for that future goal.

Furthermore, I can count the number of jerks I met at NIU on one hand, which I cannot even do when thinking of my extended family. I am honored to have studied with many of you and truly privileged to call some of you friends.

Thank you for four years I will always cherish and never forget.