Candidate profiles: Student Association President

By Felix Sarver

Name: Derek Koegel

Year and major: Senior international politics major

Current SA Position: Senator

Other positions: Member of the SA Public Affairs Committee and the SA Mass Transit Committee

Experience with the SA: Writes and sponsors several bills and bylaw changes. Reviewed the activities of cabinet members of the executive branch who were censured in 2011.

Motivation: Wants to share ideas and build on the work of previous SA presidents.

Campaign: He wants higher accountability for SA members as he believes individuals frequently receive SA positions and fail to fulfill their duties. He wants to instill a stronger sense of school pride in students, especially non-traditional students. He said NIU is safer than most universities, but he wants lighting on different paths on campus and more cameras, as he believes surveillance prevents crime.

Name: Delonte Leflore

Year and major: Senior organizational and corporate communications major

Current SA position: Director of Student Life

Other positions: Serves on the activity fees committee, room and boarding committee and represents NIU at the Illinois Board of Higher Education.

Experience with the SA: Provides recommendations for student services like housing, financial aid, safety and health care. Currently working on the student satisfaction survey to evaluate the quality of student services.

Motivation: Wants to represent students before the university’s administration and faculty.

Campaign: He wants qualified people working for the SA. He believes housing should be both good and affordable for students. He wants to address the perception of safety on campus and show students the campus is safer than they might realize. He wants to help fix the low retention rate and make NIU attractive for students. He believes NIU should be a stronger community for disabled students.