Respect, music and laundry is OK during the day

By Colin Remes

There are many stereotypes that exist about college parties.

From town houses to frat houses to apartments, there are certain aspects of the college party that will always exist – most notably loud music, lots of drinking, perhaps other chemical enhancers and usually someone drinking too much then subsequently spending the later night and early morning becoming acquainted with the toilet.

These things happen, but we have fun, we recover and we go on with our lives. There are, unfortunately, some people who vehemently insist on harshing on everyone’s buzz. The most recent example of which was when an employee of my property management company came to my door and explained to me that my music was too loud and requested politely that I turn it down.

I’m not one to “kill the messenger,” and I cordially complied. What bothers me about this situation is a number of things, the first that this complaint occurred around 2:30 p.m. on a weekday.

Yes, my music was up pretty loud, but I didn’t think it would bother anyone for me to listen to some rock and roll while I did my laundry in the middle of the day. How wrong I was.

I can get annoyed with music being played too loudly as well, but I also understand that my fellow tenants enjoy their loud music as much as I do. In fact, I would actually like to thank all of those in my building for being respectful to me and the other tenants by not blasting music into all hours of the night and early morning. As a rule, I do not play loud music in my apartment after 9 p.m. When living in a college town like DeKalb, one should be aware that it is mostly populated by undergraduate students who like to stay up late and party on the weekends. This is a reality that most of us accept willingly.

I have never lodged a complaint against my fellow tenants about loud music or for any other reason. I have had no cause to. This is my last semester as an undergrad, and I would like to enjoy my last few months here without having to worry about whether or not my music is up too loud. Especially when it’s daytime.