In Focus: What are the best and worst parts of Thanksgiving?


Jack Baker


Best: The best thing about Thanksgiving is the food. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and pie make it one of the best days of the year. How could anyone not love a holiday dedicated entirely to gorging yourself on food and then passing out in a food coma and watching football?

Worst: My family has the tradition of having every person say something they’re thankful for before we can eat. I hate it, and it is the worst part of Thanksgiving because it wastes time when I could be eating.

Parker Happ


Best: Every Turkey Day, a group of near-mythic athletes converge on a striped field of battle – sparkling with frost in all its glory – to partake in what is the very myth of the Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl. The sun rises and the scent of the fantastic meal to be drifts from the kitchen, but on the sacred tundra, to the victors of the Turkey Bowl go the spoils. For the MVP, the beloved Turkey enshrined in a glass case with past champions memorialized on an attached plaque. America.

Worst: Knowing that I will become effectively immobile for the better part of two days after gorging myself. Nevertheless, productivity, despite the pending finals week, must suffer just a bit.

Martha Lueck


Best: One of the best things about Thanksgiving is that my family is in agreement about what tastes good. Most of the food is from Walmart or Jewel, but we decided that Sam’s has the best turkey. I definitely love that we always have sparkling grape juice, and it’s funny that my 11-year-old siblings insist on using fake champagne glasses. My favorite food is my mom’s jello cake. It’s strawberry jello with a pretzel crust and cool whip. It’s amazing!

Worst: One thing I don’t like about Thanksgiving is that I need days to recover from a feast that lasts through the next day. On the bright side, there’s enough people to help with leftovers.

Alyssa Pracz


Best: The best thing about Thanksgiving is being with family and enjoying lots and lots of delicious food. It’s like you don’t even know where to start with all of the options to choose from. It’s also great because it gives you an excuse to be with family. People have crazy schedules so sometimes you don’t get to see each other as often as you would like, but Thanksgiving gives you a chance to be together by helping with the cooking or just enjoying each other’s company.

Worst: The only drawback about Thanksgiving is it means it’s getting closer to winter which means cold weather…Yikes.

Colin Remes


Best: The best parts of Thanksgiving are getting together with family and, of course, the amazing food. My family gets together every year for three holidays: July Fourth, Thanksgiving and Christmas. On Thanksgiving, we start around 2 p.m., eat and drink until we can’t anymore, play games and catch up with what’s going on in each other’s lives.

Worst: The worst parts can be exactly the same. Getting together with family isn’t always a good time or, for some, even an option. If you have a good family to be with, give thanks for that. I surely do.