SA Supreme Court to rule on Delta Chi case against IFC

By Felix Sarver

Today the Student Association Supreme Court will decide if Delta Chi has a case against the Interfraternity Council for denying the group full IFC membership.

Delta Chi has tried multiple times to apply for full membership within the IFC, the governing council of Greek organizations, since September, Delta Chi President Kazimier Chevas said.

The IFC has been vague about the criteria for full membership, and Delta Chi has unsuccessfully petitioned the IFC three times between August and September, Chevas said.

“There’s no definite rule that shows what you need to be a full member besides the two-thirds vote,” Chevas said. “It’s up to each chapter.”

At one IFC meeting, the council claimed Delta Chi was not recognized by the SA, Chevas said. The SA suspended Delta Chi in August without notifying them, Chevas said.

Chevas said SA Vice President Jennifer Johnsen and SA Senate Speaker Austin Quick suspended the organization.

Chevas said IFC President Richie Dalitto visited Johnsen and suggested Delta Chi be suspended.

Dalitto disagreed; at the beginning of the semester, the IFC was informed by Johnsen that Delta Chi was suspended by the SA, he said in an email.

“In one of the IFC meetings where Delta Chi was giving their presentation on expansion, they stated they were in good standing with the SA,” Dalitto said.

The IFC felt Delta Chi’s suspension from the SA was important to let the members of the council know, Dalitto said.

After the third failed petition, Chevas met with Quick, who suggested they take their case to the SA Supreme Court, Chevas said.

Delta Chi and the IFC have met in two Supreme Court hearings.

“The IFC does not have any issues with Delta Chi,” Dalitto said.

The IFC understands that Delta Chi brought up charges against the IFC Executive Board to the SA Supreme Court, but the issues Delta Chi has are not with the executive board but other members of the IFC, Dalitto said.