Pick up your ticket, head to Huskie Stadium

By Jimmy Johnson


Ah, what is there to say about this upcoming weekend of limitless fun?

Loads and loads of festivities.

NIU students, past and present, downing charred food, all while washing it down with their beloved drink of choice.

Well, NIU. Call me selfish, or a bit naïve, but there’s one thing I think about when this time of the year pops up on the calendar.

Football, football and, yes, football.

I’m sure many of you have made plans for friends, family and potential love interests to make the excursion up to these parts.

You’ll likely be meandering around the fine landscape of DeKalb Oregon-Trail-style in search of boisterous amusement.

And, again, I might be a Narcissistic Nathan, but you’re seriously doing yourself and your loved ones a disservice if you don’t find you way over to Huskie Stadium.

Homecoming is a time to reflect and remember your youthful days.

When you (that is, students who are likely reading this while they have their Beats by Dre plugged in) grow old, get married, divorce or become the beholder of a Fortune 500 company, you’ll look back at this time.

To me, homecoming is about making memories that you reminisce about.

Good ones.

Bad ones.

Fuzzy ones.

Those memories draw you back to where they occurred.

My pitch to you?

Pick up your ticket for when the Huskies host Western Michigan Saturday afternoon.

There are some people who feel an experience at Brigham Field isn’t a legitimate one, college football-wise.

They argue that there isn’t a unity among fans in attendance, or that those who do show up late leave early.

Come on, people. What are we, the Miami Heat’s fan base?

And, to add an extra incentive, this isn’t going to be just another football game.

The Broncos currently sit atop the MAC West with a 4-2 record.

NIU’s record is 3-3, for those of you who are keeping score at home.

So, this game could have major implications of who could be representing the West in the MAC Championships.

It’s up to you, NIU students, alumni and other people I’ve failed to categorize or mention.

You want a good homecoming memory?

Well, head to Huskie Stadium and do something about it.