NIU Reacts to Libya

By Dan Martynowicz

After Muammar Gadhafi’s death Thursday, NIU students and faculty spoke about what the future holds for Libya.

Gadhafi’s death brings in a new era of uncertainty for Libya, said Christopher Jones, political science professor and associate vice provost for University Honors.

“I think great uncertainty is the only accurate way to characterize Libya’s future at this juncture,” Jones said.

“Gadhafi’s presence provided an imposed sense of unity, order and predictability. All that’s gone now, and the country will have to deal with issues related to holding elections, drafting a constitution and matters of internal security, including how to treat Gadhafi loyalists. The revolution is won, but governance will present a real challenge and Libya could go down a number of different paths.”

With the overthrow of Libya’s infamous dictator, NIU students commented on a world without Gadhafi.

“It’s better that he’s gone, but he’s created a power vacuum in his absence,” said Kyle Stephens, senior music composition major.

Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril confirmed Gadhafi’s cause of death as a gunshot wound to the head.

In a statement released on NATO’s website, NATO’s Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen claimed NATO would coordinate the end of its mission with the United Nations and the National Transitional Council. Rasmussen also said the mission’s termination had moved much closer due to Gadhafi’s death.

Jones said both the United States and NATO should be credited with saving lives in Libya.

While the future of Libya is still uncertain, Obama wished the country’s people well.