Assistant coach engineers new career scheme

By Matt Hopkinson

Not everyone knows exactly what they want to do with themselves in the future.

NIU women’s soccer assistant coach Sara Kloosterman received an undergraduate degree in civil engineering, but now plans to get a masters in sports administration and a teaching certificate in mathematics.

Kloosterman talked to the Northern Star about her experiences with previous jobs, strange moments on the soccer field and her superb video game talents.

Northern Star: What drew you to becoming a teacher and a coach?

Sara Kloosterman: I always found a connection with kids, and after doing civil engineering for three years, I knew I needed to get back into it. Just being able to make an impact in kids’ lives is something I would like to keep doing.

NS: What is the worst job you have ever had?

SK: Probably the manager of a bagel store in Bloomington, Ind., or civil engineering. That’s why I’m a coach again.

NS: What is your ideal job?

SK: I would love to teach mathematics in high school, become the athletic director and also be the coach for the soccer team.

NS: What was the weirdest or funniest experience you have had on a soccer field?

SK: When I was five years old, I picked the most dandelions off the soccer field out of anybody and made my mom a bouquet.

NS: Do you have an out of the ordinary hobby or talent?

SK: I used to and still do love to play the “Legend of Zelda” for Game Boy and Nintendo. I can beat the whole game without dying once.