An apology from the Northern Star Editorial Board

By The Editorial Board

To the NIU and DeKalb community:

We would like to sincerely apologize for the cartoon published in Wednesday’s edition of the Northern Star.

The publication was a clear misjudgment on our part. Though the aim of a political cartoon is to provide its readers with a social commentary, we realize this cartoon in particular overstepped the bounds of human decency good taste.

We understand the topic depicted is incredibly sensitive to the people on this campus and in this community.

We know you’re angry. We know you’re hurt. We know we messed up, and we feel awful about it.

The Feb. 14, 2008 shootings were a terrible tragedy to befall NIU, and no amount of time can change the situation or undo the damage. Any shooting, whether on campus or off, is not funny and should never be presented in a joking manner. We take the Feb. 14 shootings very seriously. Some of our staff members were in Cole Hall on that day; it hits home for us, too.

That said, the Northern Star is a student-run news organization, and although we try our hardest to provide our readers with professional and well-thought-out content each day, sometimes we fail.

This time we failed.

Though this error was a human mistake, we don’t want you to think that’s our excuse. We take full responsibility for our actions, and we will strive to do better in the future.



The Editorial Board