Exploring majors fair will take place Monday
September 25, 2011
Students looking for a major or minor will have the chance to investigate Monday at the Exploring Majors Fair, sponsored by the Academic Advising Center.
The fair will run from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Duke Ellington Ballroom in the Holmes Student Center.
“I would encourage students to go if they are looking for a major or a minor,” said academic adviser Mazen Nagi. “If they have a major, [the fair] is good if they are looking to meet someone from their academic department.”
In addition to the major programs represented at the fair, as well as programs including Study Abroad, Career Services, Engaged Learning and Honors.
“There is no student that the fair doesn’t pertain to,” said Steven Barleen, associate director of the Academic Advising Center. “Pretty much every major is at the fair, along with other programs that have a direct academic connection. Those students with a major can benefit because students with a major should always confirm that they have the right major.”
Professors and academic advisors will also make themselves available to talk to students at these tables.
“I encourage students to be assertive in approaching tables…introducing themselves and not waiting for someone to tap them on the shoulder,” Barleen said. “I encourage them to talk to as many programs, as they can and to not be shy.”
Not only is the fair beneficial from an academic standpoint, but finding a major quickly is also important economically, said academic adviser Jonathon Ferguson.
“College isn’t cheap,” Ferguson said. “The sooner students can find the program best suited for them, the more likely it is to graduate in a timely fashion.”