In Focus: Getting through year one

Aaron Brooks


Do not give up. If you never have a moment where you want to give up during these next four years, then you are very lucky. For most of you, however, life will bring, at some point, overbearing hardships. Whatever those hardships are, do not give up on your college education. At times your education will be a waste, but overall it is invaluable. Unless you are like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerburg you need college to make any sort of measurable impact on this world. Although your first four years in college is only the first step toward your goals, without it you stand still. Never stop moving forward.

Jack Baker


This is the most important lesson you will learn in your first few weeks of school, don’t walk when the arrow turns green, wait for the actual walk signal before you cross the street. I know that as freshman you guys want to get to class on time, but wait your turn and pay attention when crossing the streets. Trying to drive around campus during the day is almost impossible because there are so many people crossing the streets whenever they feel like. Save yourself a serious injury and just wait that extra three seconds for when you are actually supposed to cross the street.

Alyssa pracz


Some words of encouragement I have for the new freshmen class is to always, always, always go to class! It doesn’t seem like a big deal and you will hear people saying all the time of how they skip, but even skipping once can set you back and put you far behind. If you go to every single class, it’s nearly impossible to fail. Being away at college is so much fun because you have freedom that you didn’t have at home living with your parents. Enjoy it but don’t take advantage of it.

Taurean Small

Perspective Editor

By now you should know that your best friend is the library, right? Always use and never neglect it. While the study rooms on your floor in the residence halls are convenient, trying to study during “Thirsty Thursdays” might be a challenge. Find sanctum in the quiet floors of Founders Memorial Library. Believe me, a few hours of studying will go a long way.