DeKalb water tower to display Monsanto advertisement

By Thomas Verschelde

The Monsanto Company is working with DeKalb to celebrate the city’s rich agricultural history.

“We have been working with Monsanto to place the DeKalb Genetics Corporation’s ‘winged ear’ logo on the two open spaces on the Dresser Rd. water tower,” said Bryan Faivre, assistant director of public works. “The purpose is to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the farming movement which began here in DeKalb in 1912.”

Monsanto, in Waterman, will pay the city $2,000 a month, and the logo will be in place from September 2011 to December 2012, a total of 16 months, Faivre said.

“This is not about the revenue,” said DeKalb Mayor Kris Povlsen. “This is about representing an icon. It is about our history being displayed in a prominent spot in the community.”

First Ward Alderman David Jacobson said the city will not allow just anyone to advertise on the city’s water towers. The city council will decide on a case-by-case basis if similar offers come up.

Jacobson said all funds generated by the water tower will go into the city’s general fund and will be considered unrestricted funds.

“In times of need, many residents have asked city officials and staff to explore new ways of generating revenue without raising taxes,” Jacobson said. “I feel this is an excellent opportunity to do just that. By utilizing public space that is otherwise unused, the city will generate a meaningful amount of money that would be considered ‘unrestricted’ and could be used towards a variety of purposes.”