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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Treatment Plant Operator, Danny Wells explains daily inspections, routine checks, and emergency backup systems essential to the successful operations of the Dekalb pumping station and water filtration on Tuesday afternoon.

DeKalb keeps water treatment plants up-to-date

By Ryan Chodora | February 20, 2013

DeKalb takes water treatment seriously, as providing fresh, clean water is an essential part of the city’s duties. DeKalb’s water supply is treated by five water treatment plants. One of these plants is located at 1522 W. Lincoln Highway; the water...

Letter to the Editor: Response to Monsanto Ad

August 23, 2011

I'm writing in response to the planned Monsanto advertisement on a DeKalb water tower. Here's a little about Monsanto: It's a U.S based agricultural biotechnology company known for creating the herbicide "roundup." Monsanto is also known for its aggressive...

DeKalb water tower to display Monsanto advertisement

By Thomas Verschelde | August 22, 2011

The Monsanto Company is working with DeKalb to celebrate the city's rich agricultural history."We have been working with Monsanto to place the DeKalb Genetics Corporation's ‘winged ear' logo on the two open spaces on the Dresser Rd. water tower," said...