Donald Trump is running for president…

By Perspective Staff

According to a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, Donald Trump is tied for the second in terms of support from Republican primary voters. Do you think Trump would make a suitable candidate for president?

Jack Baker, columnist

I think Donald Trump would make a great president, because he is such a naturally gifted leader. I mean just look at how much good his leadership brought the United States Football League in the 1980s. With all of those bankruptcies and failing construction projects he’s had, I think he is the perfect candidate for president. He’s already proven that he can avoid paying his own company’s debts, so maybe he can do the same for America.

Aaron Brooks, columnist

Donald Trump as a candidate for president? Well, he meets the requirements. If egotistical billionaires want to waste their money on a campaign, I guess that is what qualifies as redistribution of wealth. Plus for Trump, it would not be the first time he lost millions of dollars on a failed venture. Oh how I love the way our electoral process has turned into a millionaire’s version of Celebrity Apprentice. At least in this show the people will be able to tell Trump, “You’re fired!”

Nathan Fulkerson, columnist

I think Donald Trump would be a terrible president, mainly because we can expect business as usual: giving numerous benefits to businesses while telling everyone else to “tighten their belts.” About the only admirable position he holds is opposition to the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and his support for universal health care. Trump has also spent the past few years squabbling with Rosie O’Donnell and demanding President Obama prove his citizenship, both of which are behaviors unbecoming of a presidential hopeful.

Portia Kerr-Newman, columnist

I definitely do not think Donald Trump would make a good president. I think America has made it easier for just about anybody to hold political positions, but being president is an extremely tough position to hold. Trump seems to enjoy the spotlight with his reality shows, horrible hair and celebrity roasts. He is a man with power and money, but I don’t see him being able to handle political situations, foreign relations or even our own domestic issues.

Kathryn Minniti, columnist

Donald Trump has been mostly successful when it comes to being a businessman, but I do not think he would be as successful as president. There are obviously many duties of a president and Trump only knows how to manage real estate and star in reality shows. Besides, he would try to fire everyone that did not agree with him.

Alyssa Pracz, columnist

I don’t know if I would be able to take Donald Trump seriously if he was president. I feel like his expertise lies in creating controversy and spouting catch phrases, not running a country. If he was elected president, he would probably be about as successful as The Situation’s performance at the Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump.