Grammy-winning trumpeter takes the stage at NIU

By Candice Beasley

Over 700 people watched NIU’s jazz ensemble play with Grammy-winning trumpeter Randy Brecker.

Brecker has been playing the trumpet and flugelhorn for over 50 years. He accompanied the jazz ensemble Thursday night in playing some selections he has written himself.

“Joyous Reunion” was the opening selection that started the program by welcoming guests to a jazz-filled evening.

For the past 40 years, the jazz ensemble has hosted free concerts to showcase the many talents of students who have a passion for jazz.

Two selections from jazz legend Duke Ellington were played: “Latin American Sunshine” and “I’m Just a Lucky So & So.” Each selection gave musicians the opportunity to play individual solos.

Jazz ensemble director Ronald Carter has been leading the group since 1997. Joe Kinzer, graduate student of music, said he liked how Carter brings humor to his directorship and allows the audience to engage with him and the ensemble.

“I really like how the director interacts with the soloist,” Kinzer said. “He pushes and encourages them as musicians.”

In between each selection, Carter acknowledged each soloist and introduced the next song.

Kinzer said that he could tell and hear that Carter is a big part of the positive energy from the ensemble.

Carter said he was very pleased with the turnout and encouraged everyone to join the ensemble for their next concert in November.

“You may be surprised at how much you like it,” Carter said.