Voluntary Action Center celebrates Mother’s Day with Meal for Moms

By Meaghan Harms

The Voluntary Action Center (VAC) is hosting its fourth annual Meals for Moms event to highlight Mother’s Day as well as their Meals on Wheels program.

The Meals for Moms event will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on May 2 at the Regale Center, 124 S. California St.

“Meals for Moms has become an important fund raiser for our Meals on Wheels program,” said VAC Executive Director Tom Zucker.

The VAC will be serving homemade gourmet salads and desserts, Zucker said.

“The Voluntary Action Center kitchens are going to prepare the food,” Zucker said.

The event last year raised $6,000 and attracted 200 people.

“We are hoping to achieve or exceed those numbers,” Zucker said.

All proceeds benefit the Meals on Wheels program which serves about 280 meals a day to people throughout DeKalb county, said Ron Mullen, Director of Volunteer Services at VAC and Meals and Wheels coordinator.

“Meals on wheels delivers meals to those in DeKalb county over 60 years [old],” Mullen said.

People with home bound disabilities may also be able to qualify, Mullen said.

Servers for the event will include Senator Christine Johnson (R-Shabbona), Representative Robert Pritchard (R-Hinckley), Sycamore Mayor Ken Mundy, DeKalb Mayor Kris Povlsen, Cortland Mayor Robert Seyller, as well as other local officials and prominent members of the community, according to a press release from VAC.

The event will also include a raffle, Mullen said. Tickets for the raffle are $1 per ticket or six tickets for $5.

Cost of the event is $15 per person or $100 for a table of eight. Tickets may be purchased from any of the wait staff, by calling the Voluntary Action Center at 815-758-3932, or at the Voluntary Action Center, 1606 Bethany Road.

For more information visit http://www.vacdk.com/ or call 815-758-3932.