DeKalb city attorney dies from cancer

By Danny Ciamprone

DeKALB | City Attorney Norma Guess lost her three and a half year battle with kidney cancer Saturday night.

According to a press release, Guess died in her home surrounded by immediate family members. DeKalb Mayor Kris Povlsen expressed his sadness over the loss.

“She was a city attorney who had the upmost respect and knowledge of municipal law,” Povlsen said. “She always had the best interest of the city and its citizens in mind.”

Povlsen said he thought of Guess as much more than just a co-worker.

“We had conversations about her family and fun stories about our daughters who were just a couple years apart,” Povlsen said. “I want her to be remembered as much more than just a city attorney.”

According to a press release, Guess underwent rigorous treatments until the cancer progressed to a point where doctors could not do anything more to combat the disease.

City Manager Mark Biernacki expressed his dismay over the loss in the release.

“Norma was a top-notch professional and one of the finer attourneys I have had the pleasure of working with,” Biernacki said. “We here at city hall have lost not only a professional colleague, but a good friend and a great human being.”

Povlsen said funeral arrangements are currently being taken care of by Guess’s husband.

“She was a good mother, a good wife and a good family member,” Povlsen said. “That’s the part I saw in her that not many people may have seen.”