Scholarship for Caucasian males is misguided

By Jack Baker

Is there anything more ridiculous than young, white males complaining about equality? I really don’t think so.

A new non-profit group at Texas State University, The Former Majority Association for Equality, is offering scholarships to a group of students that they claim are now in the minority: white males.

According to the group’s website, the scholarship is designed to help Caucasian males that can demonstrate both a commitment to education and financial need.

The group is not about white supremacy and is not racially motivated in any way.

Its goal, according to the mission statement on its website, is to “provide monetary aid to those that have found the scholarship application process difficult because they do not fit into certain categories or any ethnic group.”

While it’s true that there isn’t an abundance of scholarships available specifically for white males like there are for women or for Hispanic students, there are still numerous scholarships that white males can apply for.

In addition to the financial aid available through the government with FAFSA, there is a scholarship finder that lists hundreds of scholarships specifically for NIU students for every demographic or area of academic interest.

Colby Bohannan, the founder of the scholarship, said in an article for the Austin-American Statesman, that in looking for scholarships and help for college, he felt excluded because he was a white male.

“If everyone else can find scholarships, why are we left out?” Bohannan said in the article.

The answer to your question is pretty simple, Bohannan: Because throughout the entire length of American history, white males deliberately went out of their way to exclude everyone else.

Need-based scholarships given to minorities are a way to allow students from other groups to gain access to an education that many would have never been able to afford otherwise and many would not have even been allowed to get not too long ago.

Even if white males are not the majority now in college as Bohannan claims, that’s not a problem that needs to be corrected.

That’s a good thing that should be celebrated. That means that other groups of students are actually getting a fair and equal chance to go to college.

While Bohannan and other white males may feel “excluded” during the scholarship application process, there are other white males, myself included, that don’t.

NIU senior biology major Cole Lightfoot, a Caucasian male, in his time at NIU has applied for the Centennial Scholarship, the University Scholar Award and the Alumni Association Merit Scholarship, among others.

“I felt like everyone had an equal opportunity to get these scholarships,” Lightfoot said. He added that he did not feel excluded at any point.

“It’s time in our society to look at the way our culture views race,” Bohannan said in the article. “It’s time to give everyone an equal shot.”

But if you want to give everyone an equal shot, then why did you exclude so many people from being ineligible to receive your scholarship? That doesn’t seem very equal to me.

If the group was actually about equality, the goal wouldn’t be to benefit those that don’t fit into a certain category or ethnic group; it would be to help everyone regardless of which category or ethnic group that they fit in.