A response to my critics

By Aaron Brooks

Mr. Fribert:

First, in regards to your letter let me say how happy I am that you wrote. Admittedly, I read comments to my writings all the time at northernstar.info, but when someone takes the time to write a 242-word response, I get all a-flutter.

Everything you write is true, especially the fact that I would love a job as a postman. How do you know so much about me?

You are right; healthcare is not perfect. But why do you call it “Obamacare?”

It is not like President Obama is the first one to campaign on a national system. For Pete’s sake, who was, Truman?

Also, I understand that Democrats have certain character flaws; at least they are not hiking the Appalachians…ha! Just remembered Monica.

Well, OK, more than a fair share of all politicians are sleazebags in that sense. Sorry, when I wrote sleazebags I was specifically talking about the GOP platform.

The type of sleazebagery that believes women are not afforded the right of choice in a secular society. The type that cuts spending on community programs and charity in favor for tax breaks for those Americans who consume the most. Slime that degrades a great President by asking for or doubting his birth certificate.

So on and so forth.

Returning to “Obamacare,” a national heathcare system is wanted by half of the country. How our democracy works is that we vote for a president who represents a platform. Past generations have compromised and let the market control healthcare. Those who voted for President Obama had a clear message: we have compromised enough.

It is not that “Obamacare” is the perfect solution, but give us time to tweak it. The main reason I call the GOP sleazebags is they will not repay the compromise.

75 words can come off as a primal grunt, so I hope this has cleared up any misunderstanding.

Write again soon,

Aaron Brooks