What not to do while on Thanksgiving break
November 22, 2010
Thanksgiving, minus all the Pilgrim stuff, is about family tradition, spending time with your loved ones, eating some good food and, of course, football. Students get a few days to relax and take a break from school. Some take full advantage of the perks of having a break from school.
Some, however, take too much advantage of this. Here are the Thanksgiving break don’ts:
-Don’t sleep your day away every day of break. Instead of sleeping every day why not set up a time to study for upcoming quizzes and exams or spend time with friends and family?
-Please do not get drunk every single day of break. By time you get back to school you will not have enough brain cells to think in class.
-Don’t sit at home and do nothing Thanksgiving Day. Go over to a friend’s house or help cook with your family. Every family has somebody that cooks for Thanksgiving.
-Don’t use all canned foods and claim that as a Thanksgiving feast. Not all canned food tastes the greatest nor is it going to taste like food you cook yourself.
-Don’t eat too much to the point you get tired, including with left overs. Eating and going to sleep is not good for the body. Give yourself plenty of time for the food to digest.
-Please don’t forget to check the weather if you plan on traveling. Everywhere you go is, likely, not going to have the strange weather DeKalb has.
-Don’t spend money you don’t have shopping on Black Friday. You still have to think about your living expenses for when you go back to school; nobody wants to go back to school broke.
-If you do decide to go shopping on Black Friday, please do not fight the other customers, sales clerks, managers or children in the stores. There is no need to risk going to jail or being banned from a store. If the item is not there or someone got to it before you; I am sure another store will have something like it.
-Don’t cook if you don’t know how to. There is no need to have everybody getting sick because you did not know the correct ingredients or that there is an amount time it takes to prepare food. Adding on to that, don’t eat more food than your body can bear. I’m sure there will be plenty of food to go around with plenty of to-go plates. You don’t want to have to worry about shedding pounds when you get back to school, or looking like you’re pregnant because you’re so full.
-Don’t forget you are a student and you do have school the coming week. Meaning, if you have homework or an exam that week, don’t wait until Sunday to try to do it.
-Please don’t invite yourself over to friends to eat, especially if you were not invited. Whether you just assumed they wanted you to eat with them or not, make sure you’re invited. Save yourself the embarrassment.
-Don’t take pictures of your food and put it on Facebook. Nobody cares what you ate on Thanksgiving; it might not even look that good. It is likely everybody you know is eating the same thing.
-Don’t rush to go back home for break then claim you’re bored. Break does not start until Tuesday. It would not have hurt to go to class then leave for break instead of skipping. Besides I’m sure you can find plenty of things to do at home that are fun.