Responding to “my fans”

By Aaron Brooks

Let me first say this, I am no less of a patriot than you. I am serving and plan to serve my country for life. While I do not plan to live in poverty practicing in my profession, my life will foremost be dedicated to protecting the rights of others.

I think you must forget I am 24. Looking back, we were the prime age to be recruited for the war.

A few times I visited during ROTC training, and at one point was pre-committed with the Navy. I wanted to avenge those Americans whose right to life was taken away. I wanted to kill Osama bin Laden.

The one thing that ultimately stopped me from enlisting was the war in Iraq.

As a high school student with an interest in political science I evaluated the evidence and saw no compelling cause of war with Iraq; therefore, I could not justify supporting a mission which I felt was unjust.

Insofar as my In Focus response on Nov. 12, I was told to write “something about veterans” and tried to do you service.

I tried to communicate a theme of commonality, while giving a shout out to my father-in-law and brother through “superhero” status.

Thinking back, a theme of commonality on Veterans Day was not the best choice.

Veterans Day is your day, and I am sorry for encroaching on it. I only did so because I did not want to give a cookie cutter response and wanted to highlight the humility I have seen from veterans.