Kate Winslet appeared at the Hold Steady concert

By Tony Martin

DeKalb – So, if you have been on Facebook any time in the last day, maybe you heard the news; Kate Winslet was at Otto’s Nightclub, 118 E. Lincoln Highway, on Friday.

For some reason, as hard as it is to believe, it is true. Kate Winslet did indeed grace Lincoln Highway with her presence.

Now, I don’t want to get into the TMZ mindstate of “who is she dating/why was she there?,” but it is obvious she went to see the Hold Steady. I am not sure why she chose the DeKalb date, but by the end of the concert, it was the only thing people at the club were talking about.

The actress took away all the attention from the Hold Steady’s set (which may have been the finest performance this town has seen in years). It is a reflection on our society and the importance we place on celebrity when a slew of people escorted a faceless figure to a white SUV with out of town plates that sped off into the night. Everyone in the crowd gawked, whether they knew it or not.

I feel terrible for writing this article. I should instead be congratulating the Hold Steady for an incredible performance, yet something this random is most certainly noteworthy. This is a testament to the hardworking John Ugolini and his ability to bring top-market attractions to our second-market town. Otto’s and The House Cafe, 263 E. Lincoln Highway, book some incredible touring bands and for that, they should be commended.

However, it has to be said: REALLY? Kate Winslet was at Otto’s? She was, and it was crazy.

I guess you can never really know what is going to happen in DeKalb on a Friday night.