Deathly Hallows hits theaters

By Allyson Martin

Part one of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows opened this morning at midnight.

The last book of the Harry Potter series was split into two parts for the film version.

“I’m pretty skeptical about the half and half thing,” said Laura Calgaro, sophomore pre-clinical lab science major, who had plans to attend the midnight showing of the movie. Calgaro said she felt attending a movie at midnight was a whole different experience than going at any other time.

She felt waiting in line and seeing all of the people coming together made it an exciting experience.

“I might go and see the movie,” said Yessica Escutia, junior biology major. “I saw the other movies already”.

Some students are going to wait to go to the movie, instead of being one of the first to see it.

“I’ll probably go and see it this weekend,” said Amanda Krasinski. sophomore elementary education major. She said she enjoys the series and the books, but already had plans so she could not go to the midnight showing.

Carmike Market Square 10, 2160 Sycamore Road is showing the movie as well as State Street Theatre,420 W. State St., Sycamore.