SA finishes confirmations, approves last member

By Jacqueline Evans

DeKALB | The NIU Student Association Senate finished its confirmations on Sunday.

One of the resolutions confirmed included the senate approving Robert Lausch as a senator at large, which made the senate complete.

“I believe this is a great honor,” Lausch said. “I want to serve the university and do my best for the students.”

President Pro Tempore Ryan Smith said he was pleased about the appointment of Lausch and having a full senate.

“The Student Association and students get the fullest amount of representation,” Ryan Smith said. “We haven’t had a full senate in a long time, and this bodes well for the students.”

Members of the senate said they didn’t know how long it had been since there was a full senate.

The senate also approved Jeremy Peters as the Sergeant at Arms; Courtney Hogan was approved to serve on the Supreme Court, as well as Jonathan Kite, who was approved as the Chief of Staff.

The senate also formed their committees, which will begin meeting soon.

Also in attendance was Sgt. Alan Smith of the NIU Police Department, who urged the senate to support the National Peace Day Summit, which will take place in Washington D.C. this December.

“The Summit is to facilitate peace and eliminate violence,” Sgt. Smith said. “There is no political or religious affiliation, just a call for peace.”

Derek Tyson, DeKalb County Board member, also attended to inform the senate about early voting and the grace period voting for NIU students in the general election on Nov. 2.