Attonery Gernal candidates information

Steve Kim is the Republican Attorney General candidate.

By Allyson Martin and Melissa Mastrogiovanni

Name: Lisa Madigan

Position: The current attorney general.

Hometown: Chicago

Political affiliation: Democrat

Platform: Madigan’s platform is based on being an advocate for citizens. She promises to protect children’s rights as well as nursing home patients. In reaction to the former governor Rod Blagojevich scandal, Madigan also said she would fight corruption.


Voting record: Madigan has been Attorney General since 2002. Most recently, Madigan proposed a new law that would require rape kits be submitted for DNA testing within 10 days of being received. She also helped enforce compliance with Illinois sex offender registration laws and forced social networking website,, to remove over 1,800 registered sex offenders.


NIU political science professor’s opinion:

Although Madigan is the Democrat incumbent running, conservative establishments have supported her in the past.

“I’m sure Lisa Madigan is going to get re-elected,” said political science professor Barbara Burrell. “She’s been very popular, even with conservatives in the state, and she’s been endorsed by the Chicago Tribune, which is a fairly conservative newspaper.”

Due to her opponent’s relatively unknown status, Madigan’s ads have not smeared by any of the opposing candidates.

“She has absolutely no reason to run any negative campaigns.” Burrell said.

Madigan won her last election as Attorney general with a 72 percent popular vote. While some argue recent corruption around the Blagojevich administration might hurt Madigan’s campaign, other political commentators disagree.

“I don’t think the democratic corruption will affect her too much,” Burrell said.


Name: Steve Kim

Position: Current attorney in Huntley for a manufacturing company

Hometown: Northbrook

Political affiliation: Republican

Platform: If elected, Kim promises to fight for small business, especially minorities and immigrants, keeping them from becoming victims of fraud. For the elderly, Kim said he will stop abuse in nursing homes and protect them from scam artists. Kim also said he will protect the rights of disabled citizens.


Voting record: Kim has no previous political experience.


Experience: Based out of Huntley, Kim currently works for an international manufacturer of electronic components in the automotive, power, and utility industries.

He also advises small to medium size companies for the Law Offices of Rosenberg. Previously, Kim was the CEO of DirectAlly LLC, the Vice President of Government and Public Affairs at Time Warner Cable, and Director of External Affairs at AT&T Illinois.