The Rant: Vince Young, the real winner

By Mike Buda

And the 2005 Heisman Trophy Award winner is…Vince Young?

Has Mack Brown lost his mind for suggesting such an outrageous emergency plan for the soon to be vacated trophy?

It’s simple. No. He’s a genius!

Reggie Bush will be losing his Heisman for receiving illegal benefits from USC and there will be one lonely vacant picture on the wall of winners.

But even when it happens, why give Young the trophy?

Only three athletes were invited to New York for the ceremony and the other besides Young and Bush was Matt Leinart, another Trojan. Who knows if he was getting a little on the side as well?

And on top of all of these 100 percent true facts, Young finished second in the voting.

The Heisman Trophy Trust doesn’t want there to be an empty space on their list of 74 years of greatness.

Vote for Vince Young, the real 2005 Heisman Trophy winner.