Men’s rugby continues winning streak


The NIU Tennis Club is currently in the process of looking for men and women players.

“Right now we have a lot of lesser experience recreational players,” said NIU Tennis Club President Andrew Norte . “We would like to get players who at least played in high school and even some grad students or transfer students.”

There will be some kind of informal tryouts probably near the end of the semester to increase club awareness, and official tryouts probably won’t be until the beginning of fall.

“We’re open to all levels of expertise whether you’ve played a little or a lot,” Norte said. “It’s designed for those players that come out of high school, come to college and feel like you can’t do that sport that you love.”

The club will be prepping for nationals with a meet at Wisconsin this weekend, and nationals will take place April 15-18 in Surprise, Ariz.

Men’s Rugby

Continuing its winning ways, men’s rugby grabbed a 29-12 win at Lake Forest this past Saturday. Since fall, the Huskies (2-0) have not lost a match.

Freshman Vidal Martinez was named man of the match and the B-side won its game 7-5.

This Saturday is the All Fools Classic at Southern Illinois and President Al Collins is looking for a better result this year.

“We haven’t done as well in the past so we’re hoping to change that,” he said.

Women’s Rugby

The Huskies traveled down to Nashville, Tenn. this past weekend to compete in Nash Bash, which is the largest women’s team tournament. NIU defeated Eastern Kentucky and Ashland, but lost to Maddison by one kick conversion.

“By the second game the team really came together and played great as a team,” said NIU Women’s Rugby President Jen Studer.

The Huskies’ next event will be this weekend where they will play Palmer Chiropractic.

“I expect them to be bigger than the teams we played this weekend, which should make for some good competition,” Studer said.


Without anymore matches until nationals, the paintball club is hosting a fundraiser this weekend at Fox Paintball in Millington.

The entry fee is $52 and if anyone is interested, they should e-mail president Dave Moore at [email protected] for more information.

The Huskies tournament team will be refereeing the event and if anyone doesn’t have a mode of transportation, they should include that in the e-mail.