Campus crimes against courtesy


Less than a month remains until students leave NIU behind, and many can’t wait for their classes to end. Our anxieties for classes, however, do not transfer into everyday activities, and the NIU campus needs to brush-up on its manners. Certain offenses have become more common than others, and we all need to address the following crimes against decency.

The fountain report – The next time you need to print 40 pages of text for class, please be aware of your surroundings. The campus printers aren’t meant for your use only. Before making the printer spew pages like water from a fountain, be certain others aren’t waiting for you.

Class was 30 minutes ago – You probably have a very complicated reason for not being punctual, but sometimes you should cut your losses. Arriving to class late is excusable, but if you’re late by 20 minutes or more, just don’t bother. You’re not involved in the class, and you disrupt everyone when you knock on the door to be let in.

The never-ending talker – Congratulations on reading before class. You have a secure grasp on the material, but allow other people to talk. If you raise your hand often enough to fan the person in front of you, please take a break.

I can’t walk through doors – Rushing to class can be a stressful situation, but don’t forget about your fellow students. Look behind you before rushing into the building and hold the door for others. They can’t phase through walls like you can.

Hold my sandwiches – Cell phone manners are hard to remember, but food and phones never mix. If you’re placing an order, never ignore the person helping you. Nothing says ‘thank you for your hard work’ better than actually paying attention to your server.

Legs are for suckers – While the Huskie Bus Line can transport you to any point on campus, humans have been bipedal for millennia. Before cramming onto the bus to move a few blocks, please consider walking.

Pardon these butts – Smokers, I understand that you are slowly being pushed out of all venues in this state. Still, if you smoke, please dispose of your cigarette butts in the proper receptacle. Vengeance for tobacco taxes will not be found through littering.

No time to text – In this world of instant information, people tend to lose sense of their surroundings. You can text your BFF ASAP, but please don’t text while walking. Texters tend to collide with people or buildings when their attention is focused on a key pad. So stay alert and stay safe.

Class on hold – While walking down the hallways please feel free to talk as loudly as possible. People in classes are only trying to learn, and your conversation, no matter the subject, is infinitely more important. Oh, wait — it’s not.

So before walking away from this campus, consider these crimes against courtesy and try to make every day a pleasant one.

Editor’s Note: Campus Editor John Ranallo, City Editor Kevin Kovanich and Day Editor Caitlin Mullen contributed to this column.