‘Eastbound’ is crute, gritty


He claims to have an arm like a rocket, the mind of a freakin’ scientist and another appendage like a Burmese python, but what he doesn’t have is a job. He’s Kenny Powers, a washed-up major league pitcher trying to make ends meet in the new HBO series, “Eastbound and Down.”

Produced by Will Ferrell and starring Danny McBride from “Pineapple Express,” “Eastbound and Down” is gritty, crude and utterly hilarious. After being kicked out of the big leagues for steroid use and bad behavior, Powers had no choice but to move in with his brother and take the job of a gym teacher at the local high school.

The series follows the ridiculous actions of the one-time superstar and World Series winner as he copes with the loss of his fame and fortune and attempts to make a living like the rest of us.

Whether he’s setting up “Thunder Dome” wrestling matches for his students, hurling topless women from the back of his jet ski or selling toilet seats with his face on them, Powers proves he will never truly grow up or provide a positive contribution to society. However, his quick tongue and dim-witted insults are just too much to miss.

The talent of the writers, actors and producers in “Eastbound and Down,” coupled with cameos like Ferrell as a white-haired car salesman that dishes out BMWs with happy endings, make this show homerun worthy even if Powers is not.