Speech about transgender surgery makes points for both sides
March 19, 2009
Sharon Sytsma, associate professor of philosophy, spoke at Thursday’s Northern Pride lunch about whether people should have surgery to become transgendered.
In her speech titled, “Adult Sex Reassignment Surgery: Is it Worth it?” Sytsma gave her answer: yes and no.
“They shouldn’t be convinced that it’s absolutely necessary without exploring the option of living however one wants to live, whether it’s male or female or somewhere in between,” Sytsma said.
“Some people feel… they can try to stay away from any recognized gender identity.”
Sytsma provided a chart about “the human continuum” which explains the concept of “mosaicism.” Mosaicism basically poses that psychologically and biologically, males and females are on opposite ends of the spectrum, but there are areas in between where individuals can identify themselves. This can happen from different facets from the chromosomal level to sexual orientation.
Sytsma felt while it may be difficult, people should strive for authenticity in identity, that is the “value of being true to ourselves.” In another handout she gave, Sytsma said that having sex reassignment surgery is good if the candidate feels they need it in order to truly conform to “their true essence and spirit.” But she said surgery is not optimal if the candidate does it to affirm self-worth.
“Live your life as who you really are – you could be either or both,” Sytsma said. “Self-worth isn’t a function of genitalia or clothes.”
Diana Swanson, a coordinator for the event, felt the speech was “interesting and helpful.”
“Scientists and sociologists are still figuring it out,” Swanson said. “[Sytsma] kind of giving us a way to start understanding.”
The thing that appealed the most to Christine Hanley, senior special education major, was how the speech gave a full picture rather than sticking to one point.
“Instead of being completely biased, it showed all parts,” Hanley said. “It’s everywhere – people don’t think about everything in between.”