‘Playstation Home’ doesn’t seem to offer anything exciting


After three years of development, Sony released the lack-luster “PlayStation Home” late last year. So far, “Home” feels like even less of a game than “Second Life.”

“Home” was introduced as the next revolution in online gaming. It’s supposed to be a “hub” for PlayStation 3 players to use in between gaming and was intended to bring the “gaming” experience into a more social atmosphere.

Instead, the resulting experience mirrors a dozen socially awkward 12-year-old boys in an AOL chat room with one girl.

Chatting in “Home” is very reminiscent of an old AOL chat room, but with 720p resolution and even more toilet humor.

As of the writing of this review, “Home” features several open and pointless rooms — a shopping center that charges for in-game furniture and clothes; a handful of Atari-style mini-games; and mediocre versions of pool, bowling and Mancala. Additionally, the game has a theater that replays the same low-resolution movie trailer in a loop.

Currently, the two sponsored rooms for “Uncharted” and “Far Cry 2” offer little more than a change of scenery.

“Home” promises more content, including trophy displays and additional rooms — rumor has it the “Red Bull” and “EA Sports” rooms are supposed to be cool. However, based on the experience with the tip of the iceberg, don’t hold your breath.

Note: PlayStation Home is still in open-beta testing, and the final experience could differ greatly.