Ludacris shows his mojo in ‘#1 Spot’


Ludacris – ‘#1 Spot’

To kick off a week of tracks dedicated to T.I. and Ludacris, it’s time to dust off an old favorite. In “#1 Spot,” Luda shows his groovy side as he lays down the lyrics to a tripped-out remix of the “Austin Powers” theme song, “Soul Bossa Nova.” Yeah, baby!

Ludacris uses his lyrical ability to explain how he made his way to the top of the rap charts by comparing his life to the “Powers” films. While it seems like a cheesy idea, Luda maintains his flow while adding a comedic spin to his music.

“Causing lyrical disasters, it’s the master/ make music for Mini-Me’s, models and Fat Bastards,” sings Luda, with his own pint-sized clone strapped to his chest in the video.

The majority of the lyrics mirror those of other rap songs like, “Brush my shoulder and I pop my collar/ Cause I’m worth a million, ga-zillion, fa-fillion dollars,” as he boasts about his wealth, or “shag now and shag later,” referring to the women he’s with. The only difference is how Luda cleverly disguises the same old topics with themes from the movies.

Regardless of the meanings in his words, “#1 Spot” brings a hip, retro flare to rap as an afro-sporting Luda explains that his life is not so different from an international man of mystery as he sings about enjoying a smoke and a pancake, shagging and making his fans feel randy.

Luda’s songs are still placing high on the charts, and whether or not he has that “#1 Spot,” the rapper shows he hasn’t lost his mojo.