Soundtrack expresses Ill. residents’ sentiments toward politics


Carole King – “It’s Too Late”

Bye, Bye Blago Week

The main reason why it’s so boring to watch political hearings and broadcasts on CNN is simply because there is no music playing in the background. The awkward silences and brief pauses seem to last an eternity and are only interrupted briefly by the monotone robot voices of various representatives.

The final impeachment trials of Rod Blagojevich were no exception to the boring stereotype I have placed on this coverage, but I felt a cruel satisfaction as I muted the ex-governor’s last speech.

“It’s too late baby, now, it’s too late,” Carole King sang as Rod droned on about how he should not be impeached. If only someone at the hearing could have politely notified the former governor himself.

At this point, it really was too late for the senate seat salesman, and it’s best to just start to say goodbye. King’s classic break-up song is perfect for the occasion with her lyrics like “we just can’t stay together, don’t you feel it too? / Still I’m glad for what we had and how I once loved you.” It seems to mirror the sentiments of Illinoisans exactly.

Her lyrics, “Now you look so unhappy, and I feel like a fool” could just as easily have come from the mouths of regretful voters who re-elected Blago for a second term.

Regardless of exactly what people think of the former governor, “it’s just too late.”