Podcasts, audio books convenient but should not replace paper books


Everything is affected by the suffering economy. As TIME Magazine recently reported, aspiring writers are taking a hit because some companies are suspending the purchase of new manuscripts. Thankfully, many writers have not been discouraged due to a new wave of technology and good old networking.

“It seems a ripe time for novel podcasting to grow. Traditional book publishers are struggling. Book sales are down,” said the Jan. 31 article “Podcasting Your Novel: Publishing’s Next Wave?” by Hector Florin.

The article mentions how a Web site, Podiobooks.com, is where many writers, who could not publish their books, went to share their work. Some were lucky enough to have their work published as a result.

“I think if an author is perusing the more traditional route of publishing a paper book, they may experience difficulty in this climate,” said Alison Lukowski, English graduate teaching assistant.

Sophomore English major Ryan Whitehouse thinks podcasts and audio books didn’t take off like they were projected to.

“They seem so disconnected from what you’re actually suppose to be reading and interpreting,” Whitehouse said.

Do podcasts provide all the benefits of reading?

A post called “Speed of Listening vs. Reading” on the Web site, Educause Connect by Henry E. Schaffer, read: “When listening to a podcast of a speech, not only am I limited to approximately the speed of a person speaking, but it is considerably harder to go back [and] review.”

However, there are benefits of podcasts as well. The TIME article described benefits like the ability to add different sound effects and a broader range of voices into the podcasts.

“I listen to podcasts and audio books nearly every day,” Lukowski said. “For me, the greatest advantage is the ability to multitask.”

Whitehouse agrees that podcasts are more convenient. However, he thinks there is something better about reading and interpreting the text yourself.

Publishing companies and bookstores were bound to suffer along with the rest of the economy.

Podcasts are a huge benefit as technology provides a less costly way for people to engage their minds. Although podcasts and audio books are a great source to obtain information and entertainment at a reasonable price, or free of cost, they should be used in moderation and should never replace reading in its entirety.