What I hated from 2008


Britney’s “Comeback”

Everyone loves a comeback, that’s why everyone loved the “Rocky” movies. Even when he shouldn’t have, Rocky Balboa still came back. Britney Spears has gone through the same experience in 2008, and even though she shouldn’t have, she still came back. Now, everyone loves her again. However great her comeback may seem, I preferred the days where the radio didn’t overplay her uninteresting music.

– David Matz

Heath Ledger’s death

No moment in all of 2008 could ever be more tragic than the announcement of movie icon Heath Ledger’s death. Although said to be an accidental overdose, the true cause of his death remains as much a mystery as the mind of the Joker. Ledger’s talent was tremendous and he will not soon be forgotten.

– Lindsey Kastning


What band is shameless enough to write a song called “Something in Your Mouth” and release it as a serious single? Oh, that’s right, Nickelback is shameless enough to release anything that will appeal to the tone-deaf masses.

– Dan Stone

Obama’s Celebrity

Yes, it’s great that he’s our next President-elect, but there are already items such as commemorative coins being produced when he hasn’t even taken his position in office yet.

– Bridget Orkfritz

Celebrity Deaths

Heath Ledger, Charlton Heston, Sydney Pollack, George Carlin, Bernie Mac, Isaac Hayes, Paul Newman and Eartha Kitt round out an unfortunately exhaustive list of celebrities who passed away this year.

– Derek Walker