Some insurance policies prove nonsensical


For many people, insurance is a necessity to protect themselves from unexpected expenses.

Understandably, there are specific criteria for coverage to prevent people from abusing the system. Some major insurance companies, however, such as All State and State Farm, may refuse to give coverage based on conditions of the situation. One of these conditions has been classified as “an act of God.” Not only may this insult one’s faith by implying that their God has purposefully done something like smashed a basketball goal into your car, but it would certainly insult an atheist or a person with beliefs in something other than God. Although the insurance companies’ direct intentions may not be offensive, you would think, for their sakes, they would at least change the title considering how diverse our country is.

So what qualifies as “an act of God?” According to the Illinois Insurance Association, it depends on each specific situation.

“With auto insurance, you must have legal responsibility in order for the company to give coverage,” said Janet Patrick, the director for the Illinois Insurance Hotline of the Illinois Insurance Association. “Home owners policy requires that it must be proven that there was negligence involved.”

The insurance companies would rather give you coverage on something you could have prevented or previously knew about than for a random accident. So responsible people who take care of their property to prevent unnecessary mistakes usually cannot get coverage for the very reasons they purchased insurance: completely unforeseen damages.

When asked if it is possible to purchase insurance in case of these “acts of God,” Patrick said no. “Insurance is about anticipating the risk,” Patrick said.

Although the business surrounding insurance is certainly a complex system with complex stipulations, most people usually purchase insurance for risks they cannot anticipate. By writing off situations that can be blamed on God, insurance companies are sidestepping their financial responsibilities.

It is frustrating that these companies are paid no matter what, and you do not get refunds if nothing ever happens to you. In the event of an accident or other unforeseeable incident, however, customers should have the peace of mind that their insurance company is willing to do their job.