Beer of the Week: 2Ëš Below Ale (2 Degrees Below Ale)


The Beer: New Belgium’s 2Ëš Below Ale is the brewery’s winter seasonal beer. It tastes like a less sweet version of New Belgium’s flagship beer, Fat Tire.

2Ëš Below is a medium-bodied brew with light carbonation and a good balance of malt and hops.

The Good: The brew tastes very smooth. The balance between the hops and malt is excellent.

The Bad: Unfortunately, the citrus taste in 2Ëš Below Ale is barely there. The brew has a very present 6.6 percent alcohol content in the taste that takes away from the flavor. Additionally, the alcohol-singed aftertaste is overpowering.

The Cost: $8.49 for a six-pack

The Recommendation: Go with Leinenkugel’s Fireside Nut Brown Ale if you’re looking for a holiday-themed brew. This ale has a much more interesting flavor to it, especially in the aftertaste.

The Bottom Line: Fans of Fat Tire and other New Belgium brews will likely enjoy 2Ëš Below Ale. However, the brew does little to appeal to beer drinkers outside of the bitter-brew crowd.