Is Al Franken qualified for office?


We’ve put a professional wrestler, “Law & Order” actor and bodybuilder in political office the last few years, so why not a comedic sketch writer?

Al Franken, former “SNL” writer, political pundit and author, is leading the race for a seat in the senate in Minnesota. According to a recent Princeton study, the democrat is beating his opponent by nearly 11 percent.


Franken has been entertaining for years, whether it be playing Stuart Smalley or harassing Bill O’Reilly the man is funny. But is the man really qualified to hold political office?

Sure, Jesse Ventura, a former pink-haired professional wrestler became governor, but he initiated a grassroots campaign and ran as a third-party candidate. Ultimately, his lack of experience and outsider persona led to him not being re-elected, and an unsuccessful term in office.

The author of “Lies and the Lying Liars That Tell Them” is famous for his political satires and his witty comments about conservatives, but does merely knowing, processing and commenting on a subject really qualify as being able to do it?

That’s like a sports writer being able to hit a home run merely because he writes about baseball.

Franken is a smart man, but the people of Minnesota need to vote based on merit, not on celebrity stature.